random thoughtsand observations
misterdog's Articles In Blogging
December 8, 2004 by misterdog
Well folks there it is, my first ever Blog. I look forward to doing as much as I can here to expand writing skill and believe me kids they need expanding. I also want to learn about html and as more skills are added then we'll have more to do and the blog will evolve with me. Right now, My strongest anything is the gas being produced from the food I just ate, but other than that we'll say good-bye for now.
December 8, 2004 by misterdog
Okay boys and girls here we go again on another classic rant. My customers are pinheads. Almost as stupid as my prior link question... However the distinguishing difference is they are consistantly doing stupidity whereas I merely engage it for hobby and recreational purposes:). Technology is interesting stuff, as someone who is completely blind it has been a huge enabler. I can read books, write and practice revisionism where appropriate and have a life. For those who expect it to be a "...
December 8, 2004 by misterdog
Well it's near the end of another shift I have some web access but not to some of the internal programs. Well this bothers us as it doesn't fit within my logical ordered mind. If I have partial acces to the Web I want the rest of it. Tomorrow this horrible wicked machine should be re-immaged, it hasn't been done up since we started with the roll out of early xp. I must say it has held up better than others requiring this attention once compared to every 4 months with the 98 boxes. I think...
December 9, 2004 by misterdog
Well the It guy was here today so it's been re-imaged and works excellently. I can do the work I'm paid for. I am happy about this.
December 10, 2004 by misterdog
A good time was had by the sparse crowd at club 279 last night where we watched Michael White and the White perform the 10th of the Led Zeppelin Discography series. We were treated to the entire album, and after that, a blistering blewsy set of material from I II and Iv. I’ve been seing this series as done by The white since they performed III. I missed II because of work commitments and caught I when they re-performed it on Michael’s birthday. If any of our readers are in the Toronto ...
December 12, 2004 by misterdog
Well folks it does nothing or could do nothing to mine as long as I 1) have integrety to begin with and don't bend over for the soapies to sell it to continue with. There appears to be new trends in blogging to use my oppinion to reach out to other oppinionated bloggers and offer that oppinion regarding products. Okay if the product is one I've used or like for a reason or hate I will give that to you and say "theis blows boys and girls," and then be done with it. I'll expect that o...