random thoughtsand observations
Published on December 8, 2004 By misterdog In Blogging
Well folks there it is, my first ever Blog.

I look forward to doing as much as I can here to expand writing skill and believe me kids they need expanding.

I also want to learn about html and as more skills are added then we'll have more to do and the blog will evolve with me.
Right now, My strongest anything is the gas being produced from the food I just ate, but other than that we'll say good-bye for now.

on Dec 08, 2004
Welcome to our community. It should take about 2-3 weeks for you to become officially addicted. Have fun!

on Dec 08, 2004

this is great thanks again is there any to refer someone to just the single blogs? there doesn't seem to be a lot of info here.
on Dec 08, 2004
If by single blog do you mean yours, like http://misterdog.joeuser.com/ or do you mean just this one article, like http://misterdog.joeuser.com/articleComments.asp?AID=57329? Simple answer, there is probably a way to refer someone to anything, just need to find the right link to send them
In any case, happy blogging
on Dec 08, 2004
Thanks to all and you especially Danny for offering that I have to get my head out of my ass and learn syntax:).