random thoughtsand observations
and why do they have email priveledges
Published on December 15, 2004 By misterdog In Internet
It is always a stressfull event when you open the help-desk mails and your customers have decided that for whatever reason you hold the key to letting there brain-rot progress.
I'd like to know what idiot convinced that many people that we can wave the tech-wand and fix the problems, whatever they are with out having information.
One fine individual sent a mail like the following:

Hi your high-speed connection isn't fast fix it.

Well dickhead if you'd given me an account number telephone number, a real email address you could have a reasonable hope that I'd look in to your issue, however since you have decide that I can magicly pull a solution out of my ass too bad.

On a more positive note, these cockroaches and release candidates from the mental wards do pay the bills.
cheers, and have a great day!

on Dec 15, 2004
Too funny dude, sounds like you work with very intellectual customers

I'm sure each and everyone of your special customers graduated from the top of their class in "retardology 101".

Cheers to Morons, who make us astute cerebral bastards look so good.

on Dec 15, 2004
You should be flattered they think so highly of you that you can solve all their problems with such little information
on Dec 15, 2004
IT"S FM, AKA Forkin Magic! That's how he will fix their problem. Yeah that's the ticket....
on Dec 18, 2004
on Dec 20, 2004
No shit... you mean I'm not a a morr... ah moron?? well. I thought that you were witnessing the first and most visible sign of the oncoming symptoms. I to make people reset the modems again after, most of my customers can't prove they aren't absessing hemroids so they get to be dragged through it. It's like dragging a dog's nose through it's own shit. Training can be brutal. I do get the customer now and then that are forthright about being inteligent and really proving it by a lack of stupidity, so I treat them like they belong on the higher levels of the food chain.