random thoughtsand observations
What does it do to my integrety
Published on December 12, 2004 By misterdog In Blogging
Well folks it does nothing or could do nothing to mine as long as I 1) have integrety to begin with and don't bend over for the soapies to sell it to continue with.

There appears to be new trends in blogging to use my oppinion to reach out to other oppinionated bloggers and offer that oppinion regarding products.

Okay if the product is one I've used or like for a reason or hate I will give that to you and say "theis blows boys and girls," and then be done with it. I'll expect that oppinion will cost them. Most of the time when I fouly rant here, it's for me, but if it's going to be for others, it'll cost them...

I can deal with controled use of my personal oppinions to possibly influence others and gain wealth.

I however don't think it should be a tool for getting a job. This blog is not intended to either gain me work or to selicit directly work for a company where I'll have a 9 to 5 grinding bla...bla...bla kind of job. Nothing here will be made better or more gramaticly correct, or more kindly put.
What I'm saying I guess is that if my rude and mentaly retarded writing style and arogant oppinions earn me money, they were mine before they were fashionable:).

Ah... That feels better.

This weekend wasn't as good for cw.
What's cw?

Morse code is cool, and last weekend I thought I'd really gotten in to the groove. I talked to a duder via ham radio using this archaic but interesting mode of communication. His name was Brian and he lived in P.A. His call is n3fes and he's very patient.
This last weekend I made a few opening contacts but couldn't keep talking to them or copy there code well.

Now that I know that it is possible the next few weekends will be strictly devoted to listening to code and learning "q" codes and telegraphy shortcuts. Should be fun!

on Dec 12, 2004
Good for you, speak your mind.
on Dec 13, 2004
Thanks Danny, You're always welcome to scribble here, and I promise if I don't agree not to wet my bed either. I haven't done that in almost a week now and that's a promise I can even have a good chance to keep:). Cheers:).
on Dec 15, 2004
Hey dude,

It sounds like you must work for Bell Canada, poor cool bastard

on Dec 15, 2004
on Dec 16, 2004
Well first what the hell is qsa second the strength was varying and I should have asked them to slow up. I like regular timing but am not quick enough yet to work beyond maybe 5 to 7 wpm.